Normanskill run

Uphill clambering – my favorite!

I’ve been struggling a bit with my running.  Between the ridiculous heat and the literal pain in my ass, it has been challenging to get my miles in.  The upside to this is that I’ve gotten on my bike with a bit more frequency (hello, 26+ miles of Hudson-Mohawk bike path!) and I’m remembering to take my Aleve more regularly.  It’ll all work out!

It was brutally hot yesterday, but I really needed to get a little run in so I headed down towards the Normanskill for a  trail run.  I love the challenge and the scenery of this short (3.5ish mi) off-road run from start to finish.  There’s a literal yellow-brick road, a rocky stream of varying force depending upon rain, a gorgeous community garden and wooded paths, as well as fields of tall grass.  God’s country, I tell you!

I’m not going to lie, yesterday was really hard.  The air quality was awful – thick and heavy, but there was a brief moment as I was loping downhill through a field, when the slight breeze almost grew into a bona-fide wind and it felt great.  Having access to a beautiful place like this, while living in a city, is such a treat.  If you enjoy being outdoors, I highly recommend taking a little stroll or jog through this special spot.  And, if you’re looking for the perfect soundtrack for your adventure, U2’s Joshua Tree fits the bill.

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