About me

8D5B9345-2031-42CD-8F76-4117CCF0389AThoughts, experiences and adventures from a resident of DelSo aka Delaware Avenue South in Albany, N.Y.

I’m a mom, librarian, and slightly obsessed runner who loves to travel and experience life. I’d rather be too busy than bored, and I believe it is better to regret doing something than not doing something.Ā  I’m not reckless, but I am trying to live as many moments of my life as possible.Ā  How about you?

3 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hey Silvia
    I’m not sure how I got bumped from del sol and transported to the mom blog (less my thing, as you know), but am going to try to reverse this situation.
    Leaving tomorrow for a two month road trip, yep, two months!
    Leaving out lots of details here, but will write to you from the road…

  2. “It’s better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven’t done.” It’s always been a favorite quote of mine in large part because I heard it said by Gibson Haynes of the Buttonhole Surfers. I think I’m going to enjoy your blog!

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